43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday, 14 March 2011

Thoughts on Contents (Edits)

I think that the contents page does look quite professional but could be changed so that it is more well suited to the genre I have chosen and so that it looks more like my textual research. The contents page does resemble that of Kerrang but I think  the border of the bottom image is to thick and the text doesn't stand off it that well as it is white text upon a red border. However, I think that the text looks a bit to busy on the page maybe as there is a lot of it and the headings look a bit messy. If I was to do the product again I would change the text of the catergory headings. I had stuck to the three colours which I think makes the product look more professional but if I was to edit anything on the contents page it would be the subscription information box so that it doesn't stand off the page too much which it does already. But overall I think it does resemble Kerrang! Contents, which is what I aimed for but wanted to change it slightly which I did. I think the images and models make the contents page look professional and well laid out.

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