43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Rough Cut

This is the rough cut of my front cover and content page products. I haven't yet completed them as the images are on a camera at home in which I need to upload onto the internet and put onto my product. I am intending on changing the products quite a lot as I am not happy with them as they don't yet look professional.I think to improve this I will use the most professional images and I will change the text and colours so that it sticks to a house theme and also it doesn't look to busy on the page. I have stuck to the right hand content on the contents page with images on the left just like my research has shown that Kerrang does, this is why I made this choice but I have changed it by using the colours seperately for the different articles and then the category heading in a different colour (red). I think once the images are on the front cover then it will look more professional as the image will be infront of the masthead just like Kerrang! and Rolling Stones, but also the pose will show the genre and what the magazine is about, and it wouldn't look so plain. I am thinking of using white instead of red just so it fits to the 3 colour palette red white and black, just like other magazines use.

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