43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday, 21 March 2011

Evaluation Timetable / Details

I have created a timetable for all the evaluation questions in order that I will reach the April 15th deadline. I have decided I will spend equal amount of timing on the different questions that I am going to be answering. However, I created all the posts at once so it doesn't show effectively how long they took to make.

Question 1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (March 15th)

I am planning on doing this at home by doing it straight into my blog, to show effectively using the correct technical terms what I have done during the production to show conventions of a real media product. In my case it would be based on Kerrang! and Rolling Stones. This should take me at least a few hours.

Question 2- How did you represent social groups? (March 18th)

I will create a video using Final Cut Express in order to answer this question and I will do this on March 18th for a few of my media lessons so that it contains the right amount of information and is a short clip that lasts at least a few minutes.

Question 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? (March 25th)

I am planning on doing some of this question at home in order to get it done quicker, the part I will do at home is the comic strip and the rest of this I will do either at college or home and make a presentation opening it then into slideshare.

Question 4- Who would be the audience of your media product? (March 26th)

I am planning on creating this using Glogster at home, to create a poster to show the audience of my media product. I will do this in terms of showing their visual appearances, what they do in spare time, where they shop, what they lilisten to, etc. This should only take me an hour or so to complete a poster that works; when you scroll over a part of it, it then maxamises.

Question 5- How did you attract/address your audience? (April 5th)

I will do half of this question at home and some at college as it is simply just doing it straight into the blog and therefore doesn't need any specific material to be finished. I have also done a animation to show the findings from my feedback and this wouldn't take long so I will do this at home. Furthermore, I will evaluate this in a simple paragraph also once it is complete.

Question 6- What have you learnt about technologies during the construction of your product? (April 8th)

I will do this at college as I will need the technology in order to make an effective video to show what I have used and learnt about all the technology. I will also evaluate this in a simple paragraph after the video is created. But I can evaluate this at home.

Question 7- What have you learnt in the progression from preliminary task to the full product? (April 14th)

I will either do this as a powerpoint presentation or a prezi so that it is effective and easy to read. I will start this at home and then start doing it at college to because it requires no specific technology or software. I will spend at least a few days doing this.

Final Post- Views on the media blog and the media course (April 7th)

This will only take half an hour or so and I will do this at home before the other questions as it doesn't take a long time and doesn't need to be in the sequence as it is about the overall topic. This is just a simple animation and I will annotate it in a simple paragraph to show what it contains.

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