Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full prod?
The mind-map below shows the skills in which I have learnt from the journey from my preliminary task to the full product task. I have briefly explained what was done and what I have learnt during the full process in terms of time management, research and planning, and overall skills or features. I have then discussed the construction and changes took place from prelim to the full product process and compared the two products to each other.
Comparison of Prelim to Full
This shows my prelim front cover on the left and my final full product on the right. I think that my front cover on the left looks more professional in terms of the conventions of colour. I think that the three colour palette looks neater on the page. The prelim task was when I was unexperienced with the technology so it doesn't look as professional as the final product I had made. It is evidently shown that my use of the software indesign has improved because the sell lines are better positioned along with the masthead being behind my models head (right). I think the full body shot is more effective for the audience I was aiming at so that it doesn't look like the female is an object of sexual desire and has her own mind, whereas in my prelim she looks quite feminine and vulnerable. The lighting is clearly better in my full product as it is in the studio and it is using the three set lighting with a light meter and it isn't as dark as that of the prelim task which makes my product look more professional and realistic. With the model it is made clear she is made for my genre as it is wearing stereotypical clothing but also it is well suited to the genre due to the costume and make-up I had played around with, but I didn't have time to do this in my prelim task. Also on this I added a banner so that it looked more professional and took up space but it still looked neat and fit well with the rest of the layout.
This shows my Preliminary Task on the left hand side, and my full product on the right. I think my skills have improved and are shown in this because I have made collages and edits of the images so that it looks realistic and professional as well as picking texts in which resemble that of Kerrang!. I learnt that the layout was important to the product and my prelim evidences that I haven't used any relevant conventions as it is very plain on the page without margins and doesn't look like any of the initial and textual research I had carried out. However, my main task uses the forms and conventions of professional magazines such as Kerrang!. For example I had still stuck to the three colours and also I had used texts which fit the genre. I think the final product looks more professional and like Kerrang! as it is showing the pictures on the left hand side and the text on the left, but it being split up.
Overall I think that my skills had developed a lot from the preliminary task to the production of my full product and I think they will come useful as the course goes on. I learnt how to use InDesign mainly but I also learnt to use online technologies and this didn't consume much time.
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