43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Images chosen for Front Cover

Front Cover, Main Image
I had used this as the main image because the model is using an unusual prop and this would be eye catching to the target audience. I used this model because she is wearing the colours in which fit into my three colour palette and is wearing the stereotypical clothing of the target audience; she is wearing a band tee and the make-up in which the target audience wear. I used this because the image is well lit and the model is shown clearly with an unusual pose which is eye-catching. I think to improve this the model could have pulled a facial expression such as screaming. I think the fire extinguisher makes it seem as though she is about to put out a fire and therefore shows rebellion and suits the magazine name 'RIOT!!'

Little Poster Image

I used this because it is a simple pose yet it shows the model more closely and it shows the models make-up and piercings which makes her suited to the genre. I chose this because the pose looks like she didn't expect the photo being taken and this is what may interest people into a poster. I will use this as a small image for a poster because it isn't anything special but it does fit well with the front cover overall and doesn't look over stretched which is one reason I had chosen this image.

To show the other little poster inside
I used this image because the model is using a pose in which she is hiding one side of her face slightly and I think this shows that anyone fits into the genre and it is suited to anyone. I think that if I use this as a small image on the front cover more people would buy it as people like artists which pose and this looks like a kind of lady gaga pose mixed with taylor momsen and I think that it is well suited in the magazine with a homely background. If I was to edit this then I would use it in black and white so that it is different and would look more like a poster of the right genre.

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