43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Final Products (Evaluation)

This is the final JPEG image of my front cover and I had based it around the research I had carried out on Kerrang! and Rolling Stones but I feel I could have improved my magazine if I worked on it more outside of classes too. I think by looking at my final front cover product that it looks quite professional but I could have used a lot more space where the circular banner is. I had put a banner on the bottom of the page because it seems to fill the page and a lot of magazines especially Kerrang! have a plus banner to show that there is more in the magazine than what the consumer would assume. On my front cover I have used the three main colours red, black and white in which I have continued throughout the magazine. The reason I did this is because most magazines have a three colour palette to make it so it catches the attention of potential customers but also so it doesn't look too busy on the page. I have used mainly text on the front cover just so that it looks like there is a lot of content in the magazine and therefore more people would be drawn into it and purchase it.  I think that the three pictures I have used contrast well with each other because one uses an unusual pose which is rarely seen, and one is a location shot. I have done the images like this so that it is obvious that I put a lot of time and effort into the images as well as the layout. Overall, I like the final product but I think I could improve this mainly by changing the text so it is simple and doesn't look like it has been produced quickly because sometimes simpler is better, I think I should've realised this earlier and changed it.  I think that I should have used photoshop for this part of the product instead of indesign as it would've been a lot easier and it probably would have turned out more professional and appeal more to the set audience. Also I think my magazine cover is effective as it isn't aimed at either male or female and it hasn't singled out any genre as sexual idols, or objects; but as equals which was the plan.

 My content page uses the same three colours from the front cover to show the realistic house-style colours. I used the red, white and black to signify that the artists and readers have a passion for music and even though it is seen as black and white, it really is more than that. However, the layout changes as it has a lot of images on the left hand side and a slight bit of writing on the rest of the page. I have done this to split the pages up a bit. I did the contents like this so it looks like those I researched and therefore people would purchase the product as well as seeing how much content there is.  I have done all the images in standard depth of field so that all the models are shown clearly, however I have edited them so that they look slightly different. I combined the four bottom images in a collage on picnik and saved it as a JPEG and I did this to show them with a large border so that they stand off the page. The masthead is still shown on the page to show it is still part of the same magazine but it isn't the most important feature like it is on the front cover, but the sell lines from the front cover have been categorised and shown more clearly. My photography choices were limited due to the lot of contents but I chose one's that would suit the genre more and show it clearly. The models on the contents page are both wearing heavy make-up and this therefore shows the genre as the stereotypical target audience seem to wear a lot of make-up and all of the images relate to the stereotype of the genre and also the music and gig merchandise.

The colours once again are the same as the previous pages because it is following the same house-style. I used these colours for the same reason as before but I am using a simple font for the article/interview so that it is easy to read, with approx a text size of 15 or 16 so that it is easy to read but not to big on the page. I will use one main image on each page, but on the left page it will be a full size image with an added banner with a quote so that its less plain and stands out. However, I haven't used a masthead on the DPS but because it follows the colour scheme, with some of the same fonts it is obviously still part of the same magazine. My photography choice was most difficult for the double page spread because there was a limited choice, and I didn’t know what type of clothing or make-up or overall poses would attract the audience and I didn't know whether to use location shots or not. In the end I decided to do simple locations so that it doesn't look boring but it doesn't look over the top like some magazines do when they are taken in fair ground etc. I feel I could have improved this by using more quotes to split up the text and maybe little images across the bottom of the right hand page to take up more space. But overall I am pleased with my products.  

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