The top magazine cover is the cover in which I have created and the other two are magazines in which had influenced my magazine decisions. These magazines have similar audiences to the one in which I was aiming my product at so I tried to use similar conventions in which these two magazines had.
The first thing in which I have done is stuck to a three colour palette of red, white and black which is often used in kerrang as the rock house-style, but I read more into the colours. I chose black and white to show the music and the artists aren't as black and white as they seem and have their own story, and the red is showing the passion they have in music. I was aiming to have similar fonts to those in the rolling stones and kerrang! and combine them together on the front cover and I think I have reached this target as they are edgy and effective and apply well to the audience. The clothing of my model shows a difference to those on kerrang and rolling stones but also similarities as they are dressed casually, yet the model I used is more dressed down. I used a quite natural pose but with a unusual prop so that it stands out but it isn't too bizarre and this is what I aimed for in terms of trying to make my product look different.My model is positioned so that you can see her full body and doesn't look like an object of lust to males, but look inspirational to both genders- and this might be where my magazine differs from the others.
One decision I made from all my research was to use fonts that made the magazine look alternative and different to the usual fonts and I found these on I tried to make it look professional by using realistic features such as the price and barcode along the right hand bottom side. I used my initial research of the textual analysis to make my front cover as I made my masthead edgy but clear at the same time, with bright contrasting colours. I called my magazine RIOT so it fit to the genre, just like kerrang and rolling stones does of those magazines. Kerrang! was a huge inspiration in the creation of my front cover as I used similar colours so that it all stands off against each other but I think I could have improved it by using better texts on the front cover like those on Kerrang and Rolling Stones. I changed the inspiration of kerrang! as I decided to use a lot of sell lines like on Rolling Stones but used the edgy style of Kerrang!.
However, I followed the professional magazines by using larger texts for those of the main sell lines and used one main images but few others too. Also the main convention in which stands out is the banner along the bottom with names of other bands and artists. I got this from Kerrang! to show that there is more content and therefore looks more professional.
The first image of a contents page is the one in which I had created, and the other two are those in which I had used as influence during the creation process. The image on the bottom is of NME contents page and the other is of Kerrang! contents page. I tried to use similar layout in order to resemble and create my product based around this.
I have chosen to use the layout similar to those of kerrang and NME with the three colour palette still and using the categorised pages on the right hand side with images on the left hand side. I have used the same three colours as before and chose to use 5 images on the contents page in which are well suited to the magazine and it's genre. I had used category main titles to seperate all the articles from each other just like the two magazines did when I looked at them during the textual research. I chose to use one main image at the top left of the page and then four others in a collage so that the one on its own stands out more and shows the main article.
I carried on the same fonts from the front cover so it all looks like the same magazine and I think it is well suited to the audience as it is large and easy to read, showing there is a lot of content in the magazine. I have got similar texts like those of in Kerrang! so this shows which genre it is part of and therefore will attract an appropriate audience. The contents page images and layout are the only things that would attract the audience as the stories aren't revealed and neither is the language which are two main features so it was up to the shots I had used for images on the contents page.
The top DPS is the one in which I have created and the one below is one from a Kerrang! issue. It is clear that the DPS' are very different in terms of colours. I chose not to do mine black because I don't think it stands out as much as it could do if it was white and using location shots. I used shots of a mixture of locations so that it shows more the life of the artist and therefore would attract people more.
The language was another feature in which I used that is similar to Kerrang!. It is known that Kerrang often uses tabboo language and I thought I would challenge this aspect by using this in my product on the double page spread but I didn't make it all about the swearing language and a attitude. I think I used professional, taboo and colloquial language appropriately as a mix so it attracts a large range of audiences amongst the genre. The poses however are quite natural but aren't something that are normally seen in a rock magazine so it is possible that this could make people more attracted to the magazine I had made.
Rough cuts
This shows my rough cuts. I hadn't completed my rough cuts so I didn't get feedback on them but I have changed a lot about them since I had first made the product. I had changed the colours for one so that I stuck to the three colour palette and I added boxes so certain important parts stood out off the page, and completed with the images it looked more professional. From the rough cut I also added a banner, and more sell lines to fill more space and make it resemble kerrang! and others I research, and I think these changes had paid off.
Evidence of Audience Feedback
The videos above show some feedback from other members of the class on what they think of the product i had made. They have given their opinions on many different sections of the magazine and this is helpful as they are part of my target audience range of 16-24. I have made an animation below to conclude what was said and what I have learnt from this feedback. They have gave their opinions on what draws their attention to the magazine, the strengths of the product, how I could improve my product, whether they would purchase it, and the genre and representation of social groups. From the feedback I have learnt that the product I made could be improved but it was made clear what genre and social groups the magazine represented. I think that it is depends on people's preference in music on whether they would purchase the magazine. I realise that there is a lot of time and effort needed to create a well rounded product and I feel that I have many improvements to be made. In all the audience research the feedback shows that the front cover is the first thing that catches their attention due to the use of images and banners, however it could be improved by using up more space and to change the fonts of the sell lines so that it simplifies it.
The feedback shows :
-The front cover is what attracts the consumers attention first, due to banners and unusual image poses.
-It is clearly representing the rock genre, and this is shown by the rebellious images and magazine name. As well as the font and the heavy make-up on the models.
-The strengths of the magazine would be the images due to the locations.
-It all depends on what the person likes in terms of music on whether they would purchase the magazine.
-Its for indie and rock due to the font use and images, ie. Extinguishing a fire.
-Improvements by filling front cover space and change the font so it looks more tidy & simplistic. Media Feedback by 038604
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The animation above shows all my feedback that I had got from the two members of my class that I had been marked by. This feedback shows what I could change or improve if I was to do the product and the full task again. I aimed my magazine at both genders for anyone who likes the genre and also they would be between the ages of 16 - 21 and this was made obvious and stated in the feedback given so it shows I have used images, content and text that show this well.
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