43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My Initial Idea For My Main Task

For my main task I will be creating a Rock magazine, which is targeted for people who are in the 16-24 age range. However, it is targeted in people who are highly interested in rock music and have a great passion for this music. I have chosen this because the main magazine I am interested in is Kerrang which is a rock magazine, and I am highly interested in the Rock genre with artists such as: Bring Me The Horizon, Paramore, Pendulum, etc.I think their music is highly passionate and the lyrics have meaning, but are also interesting to listen to. Furthermore the style they have, by use of dress sense and make-up is even appealing which I am going to resemble in my magazines, by the model costume choice. I wear clothing such as skinny jeans, and shorts like people from the genre and many of people I know read rock magazines so I did my topic on this for mainly that reason.

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