I haven't aimed my magazine at a specific gender, and I have made this clear by the use of colours. I have used colours in which will suit both genders; I used red, black, white and yellow in which aren't normally associated with either gender. Furthermore, the use of my models being mainly female may suggest that it is meant for females but in my opinion I used mainly females so males will purchase the magazine as they will like the models, and females may purchase it in order to get the look and look like the models in which are in the magazine. I have aimed it at anyone with also the use off sell lines, such as 'Gigs inside' and 'Downloads available' this is meant for both genders in which are interested in the music, there is nothing biased or aims to one gender by the content in my magazine. All of the text on the front cover will be above font size 15 so that it is easier to read and eye-catching because my audience is the age range 16-24, and in my experience people in this age range only look at a magazine if they have large text and a good image. People in this age range usually notice the image, masthead, and then sell lines so I will have to make them of a decent size in which I have chosen 15 or above. The girl on the front cover is clearly showing attitude and style so that it signifies the genre in which it is based around and also to look like a rock idol in which the readers would want to be like, because obviously if you have a boring picture with no pose, and no facial expression this will not attract peoples attentions.
For the image I am intending on using a location shot with natural lighting in order to show the natural side of it all and that the artists are just like anybody else, but had the courage to show their talent and this will influence all other music readers. I have used pretty natural clothing on the front cover to show that the artist is comfortable and confident with who she is naturally and she doesn't have to dress up in order to show she has a talent. I am planning on maybe using a guitar as a prop on the photography so it has more meaning behind the image, and it is about a female who is from a low background but is breaking into the higher music industry- about life in general.
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