43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Monday, 31 January 2011

Photoshoot Plans

I have drawn up the plans for the photoshoot in the studio but not other locations because I am just using natural lighting so therefore it would be unable to say the positives of the lighting, positioning etc. I am using location shots such as construction sites, fields, bridges, and streets. I have decided to do this because it adds realism to the magazine, I think that the natural lighting means that it will benefit the images as it wouldn't pick up and bright lighting and it won't be too dark.

Studio Plan :)

The photoshoot plan shows that I have used two sources of lighting in which I could use together or seperately. On the right hand side I have used the source of High-Key Lighting because it doesn't need adjusting between shots and can be used on any scene, or background and also it would be the main source of lighting in my photography. It means that the shadows won't be over bearing. I decided to use this in unison with the other lighting so it's not too light and depending on the camera angle, depends on lighting used. Low-Key Lighting is on the left hand side and it is part of 3 point lighting, it is easier amd quicker to set up with good shots that's an advantage. Also in some shots I may want some shadows depending on the pose and scene so this lighting alone would provide it. I have put the camera with arrows because I plan on using different angle shots throughout my magazine with the model standing in the center of the screen so all light reflects on their skin so that the model glows and stands out more.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Practice Photoshoot

This is my practice photoshoot of possible locations, and poses for the models to be shot using. I have analysed each image careful to say whether I will use the location and pose and maybe how I could improve them. I feel I could improve the photography by using three point lighting so they are not dark. However, I am intending on having some dark images to connote how dark the artists life was before she discovered music.

I was testing out this pose because it shows a high amount of attitude in which the artists in the genre I am basing the magazine on has. I am unsure on whether I will use this in my magazine because it's not a clear shot and the pose may seem inappropriate but I could use a similar pose to show the attitude, but use a different location and lighting to improve it. I think that it may suit the age range of my target audience because it is a popular pose amongst teenagers or young adults.

I was testing out the lighting in the art centre to see if I could take some pictures here but I don't think I will use it as a location as I have already chosen my main locations. I think I will use this pose in my magazine, perhaps on the double page spread as a small image with a few images overlapping each other slightly. However, when I use this in my magazine I will have done the make-up and the model will be wearing headphones to show her enjoyment in music and her passion for it. 

These two images would maybe be used on the double page spread as little images to show that she got through it with the help from maybe a best friend, or sister. This shows the difference of what she used to be and it could have some interviews from the other person who took her in, to show her opinion. I think these poses could be changed slightly by putting in props and maybe changing location.

I like this pose because it shows the natural behavior behind the scenes of the artist and I think this is effective because it would make the reader just see how much alike they are and just feel like they can understand the artist and maybe could follow in the footsteps. They could form a band with the artist so I might use this image on the contents page.

I think I will use this pose for an image on the contents page because the model on the left shows clear attitude and I think it is a relevant pose for the magazine genre. I like the shadows in the image so I am planning on maybe using this area for more photography ideas.

These two images of my models show the attitude in which the models have, and I think I may use these on the double page spread because they are good poses. I think the right image may be a good pose for the front cover because it shows her tough personality, which may signify her tough upbringing but it shows you can get anywhere of you try. I think the first image could be the main image on the DPS because it shows how she has changed and bettered herself no matter what her background, or issues she faced. I think this would show the hood coming down connotating that she has changed a huge amount and doesn't want to be associated with the way she used to live.

DPS Flat Plan Analysis

Firstly the colours on my double page spread are once again continued from the previous pages so that it looks like part of a house style, like in Kerrang! Once again I have used the four main colours; red, yellow, black and white for the same reasons as previously. However, the layout of the contents page is a lot different to that of the other pages as it includes more images, with the text on the right hand page but with a large image above, because I think this looks professional. I intend on using a basic font for the article so that it is easy to read, and it will just be a normal plain black text because it would stand up off the yellow text boxes. I intend on using font size 14 but if this is too small then I ill improve it but not go above the size 16. I will use one main image on each page, but on the left page add a banner with other little pictures across so that its less plain and looks more busy and stands out. I haven't used a masthead on the DPS but because it follows the colour scheme, with some of the same fonts it is obviously still part of the same magazine. There is also subscription information on the top of the page to show more information on the topic so it would interest them further.

My photography choice was most difficult for the double page spread because there was a limited choice, and I didn’t know what type of clothing or make-up or overall poses would attract people. I didn’t know whether to use extreme shots or just normal ones, this was the toughest decision because I didn’t know whether to make it look rock chick or more natural alternative rock. I am thinking of overlaying images on the left page because it would look more effective and professional in my opinion. I will make sure with the pictures it shows professional angles and lighting, and also interesting poses so that it is appealing for them to want to subscribe to further issues of the product. I did it like this to follow the magazine or textual research I did previous, but not be copied exactly, just used as an influence.

To improve my DPS I am intending on maybe using a grey background so it doesn't look so plain and maybe it will all stand out more if I do this. Or I could do black background but this might mean it is too dark and wouldn't catch people's attention as much. I intend on using quotes as well on the double page spread to add realism to the article overall with introductory lines at the top of the right hand page to say 'only in RIOT!' so that it is eye catching and would be attractive to readers.

Contents Cover Flatplan Analysis

Firstly the colours on the contents page are continued from my front cover so that it shows the housestyle and looks more realistic, like kerrang in which I had originally based my product around. I have used the four main colours; red, yellow, black and white because it is then showing colours from the previous page. I have used these colours as red and yellow are warm colours which may signify that the music industry is welcoming, and a warm environment to be involved in. However, the layout of the contents page is a lot different to that of the front cover as it includes more images, with the text on the right hand side. I have done it like this so it is split but also relevant to the layout of the magazine. I have used headings above each article/page number in order to show the catergories in which each article comes under. The catergory headings I have used are in 'WIREDsaji' and of a font size between 18-20 so that it is attention grabbing and also so people realise the basic content of what is included, but when I put page numbers, and actual articles to the pages I have used font size between 16-18 with the font 'FragmentCore'. I had used this so it is easy to read, but this is a change that I had made from my flatplans because the original 'WIREDsaji' size 16 was impossible to read and I think this text is more effective. I have included 5 images, one large image of the main article (with page numbers underneath) and then four other images which shows further content. I did it like this so the contents page looks more like those I researched and looks more professional, so that people purchase the product.

One of the pictures (top left) I am going to do of the band in which I am writing the article on, I think I will do a wide shot to also show the area around them slightly with a shallow depth of field, with the band being in standard depth of field in a pyramid like shape with the main member at the front; just like it has been done on the front cover of kerrang before. I have then done four other images, two of people and two of items which relate to the genre. I am going to do this as a collage I think so that it has a border and I will perhaps create this on picnick and then save as a JPEG. I will do a medium close up of a girl with a guitar to show the 'poster special' section (then I will put this on the left of the four images, with a close up next to it of another female to show 'get the rock style'. I think this would make the magazine more professional and suited to the genre. The other two images however will be of cd discs and Merchandise, all because this is contained within the magazine. There is no 'main image' from the four on the bottom left because they all show equal importance to the magazine, and will definately intrigue people who are reading the magazine. I have used borders on all images so it doesn't fully sink in with the rest of the page, but also doesn't stand out too much that it looks 'over-layered'

I have once again included the masthead but of a smaller font in the top left hand side of the contents page, this is showing that it belongs to the same magazine but is not still the most important feature of this specific page. All the sell lines from the front cover have been categorized in the contents page but are still showing each sell lines as content of the issue. The genre of the magazine is made clear because it is of a simple extent so that people don't lose interest and so that it is easy to read, and appealing to readers of ages 16-24. There is also subscription information on the bottom, and i think this is effective because it offers more detail to the magazine, and it would interest them further.

My photography choice was more difficult for the contents page because there was a limited choice, with many articles in which were in the magazine. I didn't know whether to use location shots, or just plain shots in the studio. This was the toughest decision due to the lighting, and also due to the background and how it will relate to the genre. I think that the light would be more effective in the studio so I am debating taking the picture in the studio, and then of the location and then layer them so that it is a location shot, with good lighting. However, I think that natural lighting may be just as good because it shows nature of the whole thing. So this is one thing I will need to think about before doing the photography. I set the pictures out so it resembled the research I had done on Kerrang and Rolling Stones.

Front Cover Flat Plan Analysis

First of all for my magazine I have used the title ‘Riot!!’ because then it clearly reveals the genre of the magazine, and about the rock scene. It is called riot because often ‘rockers’ are seen as violent and cause a riot by the way in which they dance, behave, etc. but not just that riot just is generally catchy and short for a magazine name. I have used a range of techniques to make the magazine cover but the colour scheme in my opinion would be the most important because it is continued throughout the magazine to an extend and also it sets the magazine off and it is the first thing someone would recognize and be attracted to. I have used a three-colour palette of red, black and white. I used this so the layout doesn’t look to busy and also that all of the features stand out in comparison to the background. My influence for the magazine was Kerrang! And I had tried to base my magazine around it but change it and use my own creativity to make it work. I have chosen to use a white background at the moment, mainly so it looks plain and it sets the rest of the colours off the page. I think that the colour white shows the purity of the artists but in a different light, more in the way that they make their own life and their own music- its purely from them; this is what the white background may connotate. The white background would allow all of the other features to be visible and draw in the reader by making all of the features stand out. I have also used black and red on the front cover for multiple reasons. I had used red for the masthead mainly because it connotates the passion and love the artists or readers have towards their music and it is showing clearly that music isn’t just a hobby, but it is a big part of their life and it could have changed them for the better, this interlinks with the article I had written because I had used how music had changed the life of a small town girl, and the red connotates that if you love something then never give up on it. However, I used the colour yellow for a very different reason. I used yellow because it is a warm colour and people normally compare it to happiness, and warmth so I used this to show that happiness of the people in the industry and that what makes you happy is important. The colours I used are all indications of what the audience should try to find, and also it contrasts slightly with the red so I used it to show that people may clash, and that the rock industry has clashing artists in. The black however was just basically to show sophistication of the artists and to add mystery to the magazine so people will want to continue reading, but the main reason is just because it is a bold colour and would be easy to read. The colours don’t exactly correspond well together but I think that it works because it is indicating the differences between certain areas and that you should never let other people stop you from doing what you want. I used the colours to try and inspire people to follow what they believe in like their favourite artists did; otherwise they wouldn’t get to where they are now. I think because the target audience was the age range of 16-24 there would be a lot of people interested in the music industry and reading about other artists and how they got into it could inspire them, and give them confidence to do the same; so I thought that the colour were well target but could be improved. I don’t think I could have used other colours because then it would be too busy on the page, with the reader not knowing where to read or look first, and I couldn’t use extremely bright colours because then it would be hard to read. So I used the colours that could represent both the reader and the artists therefore forming a bond between the two groups; artists and fans/readers.

The reason for the layout choice was used so that it looks professional, like it could actually be a magazine cover. I have used a picture of a female model, to represent a small town girl breaking into the music industry, and it is a medium long shot to some extent as it is a picture of her from the thighs upwards. I used this type of shot in order to show how original her fashion sense is and it shows the normality and reality of her attitude. It is a clear image and it is showing the expression and pose without getting up into the persons face. However, I feel as though I could of used a mid-shot from the waist upwards just to show the artist more clearly and show the true feelings by the look on her face and the pose she is using. I decided to overlap the masthead under the image so that it shows my textual research on both Kerrang! and Rolling Stones. I think it is more effective this way because it then shows the artist to the full extent and it looks professional. I decided to put the model in the center of the page so that its signifying that she is the center of attention and it will be the first thing in which the readers will be drawn to. I also did this so the sell lines can go on both sides of the model overlapping ever so slightly, I did this so they would be drawn to these as well because these are the main features in which people look for when buying a magazine. The sell lines meant that it was a busy layout but not overly busy so therefore it is easy to read and shows there is a lot in the magazine, and they are getting a good value for what they had paid. I put a few banners, and a puff so it shows there is more to offer and also to catch the readers attention to persuade them to purchase the product. for example 'win tickets to see Biffy Clyro' suggests a competition in which people will be interested in. However, I am going to change the front cover layout slightly by adding a skyline in which says 'the ultimate preview.. behind the scenes.. all inside' because this would be more interesting to those in which are interesting in starting themselves in the music industry. I have done the main article in larger text so that it stands out as the main topic, the one in which will interest the people with the most content on. I have done the sell lines descending in size, and changing in font as they go across the page, this is show the importance is made clear and there is more context in which is used to suit the genre of the magazine. I am thinking of maybe changing some of the fonts underneath from WIREDsaji to something easier to read, such as fragment core. I think that this would be a more appropriate font because it is clear, and a lot more eye-catching even if it is plain, it is also bold and will catch the general publics attention. 

I haven't aimed my magazine at a specific gender, and I have made this clear by the use of colours. I have used colours in which will suit both genders; I used red, black, white and yellow in which aren't normally associated with either gender. Furthermore, the use of my models being mainly female may suggest that it is meant for females but in my opinion I used mainly females so males will purchase the magazine as they will like the models, and females may purchase it in order to get the look and look like the models in which are in the magazine. I have aimed it at anyone with also the use off sell lines, such as 'Gigs inside' and 'Downloads available' this is meant for both genders in which are interested in the music, there is nothing biased or aims to one gender by the content in my magazine. All of the text on the front cover will be above font size 15 so that it is easier to read and eye-catching because my audience is the age range 16-24, and in my experience people in this age range only look at a magazine if they have large text and a good image. People in this age range usually notice the image, masthead, and then sell lines so I will have to make them of a decent size in which I have chosen 15 or above. The girl on the front cover is clearly showing attitude and style so that it signifies the genre in which it is based around and also to look like a rock idol in which the readers would want to be like, because obviously if you have a boring picture with no pose, and no facial expression this will not attract peoples attentions. 

For the image I am intending on using a location shot with natural lighting in order to show the natural side of it all and that the artists are just like anybody else, but had the courage to show their talent and this will influence all other music readers. I have used pretty natural clothing on the front cover to show that the artist is comfortable and confident with who she is naturally and she doesn't have to dress up in order to show she has a talent. I am planning on maybe using a guitar as a prop on the photography so it has more meaning behind the image, and it is about a female who is from a low background but is breaking into the higher music industry- about life in general.  

Saturday, 29 January 2011


These are my flatplans of my magazines front cover, contents page, and also the double page spread. I have done these in order to show possible ideas for each and give a general idea of what the magazine will look like. I have also annotated them to show why I had designed them in the way I had. I had used all the features in order to catch the readers attention because it is further carrying out the purpose of a magazine, in which is to get people to purchase it.

Front Cover Flatplan

Contents Page Flatplan

First DPS Page
Second DPS Page

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Focus Group Findings

My results of the questionnaire show that the people I surveyed ranged from 16-24 and were a mixture of both male and female. The main response to which colours they liked were three colours , two of which were black and white and the other being a bright colour so that it stands out more. The genre of music in which most of those questioned preferred mainstream, with some pop, but mainly the rock genre, with six out of ten people saying this, and this then shows how appropriate  my research was in order to my initial idea. Furthermore, they had said that they are willing to pay between £2-£4 for a magazine; depending on contents in return for money paid. One thing that each answer had in common was 'What is most appealing to you personally when you see a magazine?' and the answers giving ranged from how interesting the article looks to the model on the front page posing but also the masthead. They were interested in features like interviews and gig guides. Not many people had offered a conclusion to how the features of a magazine could be improved so this is slightly difficult in order to base my magazine around findings, yet everyone I asked read either Kerrang, Rocksound, Rolling Stones, or NME so I am planning on basing my magazine around the research I had done previously.

Focus Group Questionnaires

These questionnaires show the results in which I had got from surveying people of the general public and I am going to use these in order to base my magazine on. I am going to listen the findings on a seperate post and say how I am going to use the information I gathered from doing these ten questionnaires. I have asked the same questions on each questionnaire just so it shows clearly just who my focus group are.

Focus Group

For my focus group I have created a questionnaire which asks basic questions that the people I give them to can fill them in. I did this so I could then know how to make my magazine more professional and appealing to them, I had obviously given the questionnaires to people that aren't over 35 because that would be out of my target audience.

I asked basic questions such as the following:

Are you male or female?
How old are you?
What music genre interests you?
What is most appealing to you personally when you see a magazine?
How many colours do you like to see, and which ones?
What kind of images do you like, poses for example?
Do you read any of the following: Kerrang, Rocksound, NME or Rolling Stones? Please state.
What features do you like most in magazines?
How could the features be improved?
How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?

The results to this will be uploaded once they are complete.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Production Schedule

5th February Onwards- Think of an initial idea, after all research complete
7th February- Start on the Front Cover layout
11th February- Start on Contents page layout
21st February-Start on Double Page Spread
27th February- Article draft finished
28th February-Shoot with all models, edit any pictures
28th February onwards- Keep improving on Magazines, put in pictures
8th March- Make any improvements to magazine or blog
18th March- MAGAZINE DONE!

My Initial Idea For My Main Task

For my main task I will be creating a Rock magazine, which is targeted for people who are in the 16-24 age range. However, it is targeted in people who are highly interested in rock music and have a great passion for this music. I have chosen this because the main magazine I am interested in is Kerrang which is a rock magazine, and I am highly interested in the Rock genre with artists such as: Bring Me The Horizon, Paramore, Pendulum, etc.I think their music is highly passionate and the lyrics have meaning, but are also interesting to listen to. Furthermore the style they have, by use of dress sense and make-up is even appealing which I am going to resemble in my magazines, by the model costume choice. I wear clothing such as skinny jeans, and shorts like people from the genre and many of people I know read rock magazines so I did my topic on this for mainly that reason.

Photography Research

Audience Research

Wednesday, 19 January 2011