43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday, 17 September 2010

Flat Plan Rationales Contents Page

 Firstly the colours on the contents page aren't as bold as the front cover because i stuck to the main two colours. I have used black and white on the contents page because I think it looks more sophisticated and it may interest people in the way it is laid out. However, I have included some yellow and purple because they are the colleges colour of choice so it shows that it is still all about the QE. Also yellow is a warm colour so it could imply off the white background as the college being a warm place in which you can relax, and be shine with your hopes and just be yourself, but purple on the other hand implies that the college students are royal and are worth a lot more than they assume because if they try their hardest and follow the magazine tips they will get there A levels and be worth a lot more.
 The page layout on the contents page is a lot different to those on the front cover. The text of the different stories are all of the same small size because otherwise they would look messy on the page and also they are split into two sections; 1-14 are on the left hand side and 15-30 are on the right hand side. I did this so that I could include two pictures and make it look unique and could maybe reach out to each individual and I think it makes the contents page a lot less empty and its just an interesting way to do the layout. One of the pictures (top right) I am going to do a close up of a student looking stressed so that the college students can refer to it if all of the work gets too much and I think a close up would show the facial expression more and reflect how in your face the college can be if you don't focus but to make the students realise the magazine can help. The other picture however, I was planning on doing a full body shot of a student holding their results so it links in with the story 'How I got good grades' and I was going to do a full body just to show that the student is not much different to the other students reading but also shows what they can later achieve. Neither of the pictures on the page in my opinion are a 'main' image because they are both showing the equal amount of important because they both relate to stories, but the pictures are most important as they will be in colour as the rest of the contents is in black and white. the masthead once again is the same just so they know it is still the same part of the magazine and it also stands out more. I have used borders around the pictures on the contents page so it doesn't just sink in with the rest of the page and also i wanted a bit of layering because in my opinion it makes a magazine look more professional and eye-catching.
The content of my sell lines again are just to attract the audience and they do this relating to the college and activities etc that people of the college age find appealing. The genre of magazine is made clear because all of the sell lines are of a simple extent so that the audience don't lose interest in the magazine and it shows that it is just a basic magazine to inform college students of what is to come in future. I think the magazine would see only to those involved at QE because it is showing how they can improve and reach their aims in future just by following a certain amount of rules in the magazine. Also it is selling products or giving advice on things that happen in everyday life which college students would find interesting. The main sell line on the contents page is the 'WIN YOUR WEEKEND' this is in capitals because they would want a break from everything and it reflects the hard work that college brings but that they can have a break, and the target audience would be interested in the free weekend.
 My photography decisions in this part of the magazine were simple, I decided to use just a normal college area like the corridor, and outside of the college because then it shows what the college is all about and the costumes the people are wearing are just ordinary clothes but I was planning on taking a picture with someone wearing a work outfit so that it shows where the college can get them if they work hard. The first picture(right) is showing a student holding their good results from QE and it shows that this could be the future of the other students if they put their minds to it and maybe also follow what she has wrote in her story. The lighting on this image is just going to be the simple, and normal lighting because then it shows that the students isn't 'something special' or more important than the current students, and just basically shows that with the right advice they could get somewhere. The angle i was going to do was a shot slightly from the right so it more focuses on the results than the actual person and shows that its easy to achieve your hopes at QE just like the student on the picture did. The second picture (left) shows someone stressed and i decided I would do a close up on this image because it then shows their expression toward the studying period of college and also could reflect how the audience would end up if they didn't follow the 'Snap Session'. There are no props on here because I didnt think any were needed because it is a basic picture in my opinion. But overall I made all these decisions so everything wasn't to busy on the page.

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