1. In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? ( To answer this question you should compare and contrast your magazine cover with a professional one, discussing photography (shot distance, props, use of lighting, costume and pose), page layout, use of font, use of colour and the content of the sell lines.)
In order to create my magazine, I had looked at many other magazine covers to see what conventions I could use to make it be as effective as a real magazine. The main example I chose to follow was the Rolling Stones magazine. I chose this particular magazine cover because all of the sell lines are on the left hand side and this is the way i had set out my magazine, I did it like this because people read from left to right so therefore the sell lines would attract the readers eye and intrigue them into buying the magazine. However, the difference in which there is between the Rolling Stones magazine I had used for influence, and my own is that the mast head of my magazine is not behind the image but infront of the image. I did this because it then gives a strong impact on the reader and it tells you what the full magazine is about because it has the most visual effect. On the other hand, I could improve the purple sell lines and title just to a brighter colour so that they stand out more instead of blending in with the background. The sell lines are obviously of a totally different content as mine is not a music magazine, but it would use the same language as it's aimed at around about the same audience. My media product uses forms and conventions of real media products by using a variation of bright colours to attract the reader. Instead of using the same colour for sell lines and mast head etc, putting more colour in it makes it easier to read, and more interesting. I had stuck to the colours in which i said i was going to use in my flat plan rationale, and used the colour purple for the mast head, and other sell lines to show royalty and that the students are worth it, showing its all about them and their college. Using colours like bright green, yellow and blue shows the natural, calm yet warming environment and you can often relax if you know how to which then would once again, persuade people to buy the magazine. However, the font on my magazine is more fancy than the Rolling Stones magazine and this is so that it is bold, easy to read but also more eye catching and I used a variety of texts rather than just two, like the example I used as influence. On the other hand, the Rolling Stones cover is a lot easier to read, and more bold than my own, so I could of worked more closely on this. Photography however is similar in some ways. The rolling stones magazine picture is more of a medium close up than mine, mine is just from waist up but the example i used is took from her stomach up and her outfit is a lot more plain than the one I had used. The photography of Lauren (the model of my magazine, QE student) shows her wearing her everyday checkered clothes and she is wearing red which contrasts with the rest of the front cover which I thought had made it more appealing but it may have the opposite effects on other people. There were no props in which I had used but the photograph was taken by the stairs so it was a location shot, just to show a bit of the area in the college so this wasn't like an actual magazine cover I looked at because no photography on examples I looked at used a location shot, which I thought made it different and it may appeal more to college students.
Front Cover: mine |
Influence: Rolling Stones |
The contents page layout is slightly different to the front cover, as I did not use much colour in the contents page. I had used only three colours; black, white and purple. I had used columns in order to make the sections easier to read, and I made this easier by using the page numbers of when one story starts to ends. To improve this I could of used a black line or purple lines to seperate them from each other to show the clear sections. The masthead has also been put on the contents page but as a smaller piece of text, this is because it is no longer the most visual part on the page, the sell lines are. I had used two pictures of Lauren (the model) on the contents page; one on the left hand side, and one on the right. This was so the pages were split into two and it wasn't all just in one column as it would look boring. The magazine example I had used as an influence was the one below, and I tried to make my magazine content page similar but also sticking to my ideas I had originally which I put in the rationale. However, I had adapted the example I had looked at by moving pictures about and the way I had put them. To improve, I could of took a picture of different models, of a different 'social group' or 'style' because this would enlargen the audience because I wasn't wanting to restrict the readers.
Influence: Q |
Contents: Mine |
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Here you should discuss how you've represented the student body....have you used stereotypes and if so which ones and why (you may want to include videos about particular tribes from YouTube or images from the web), have you tried to challenge or reinforce perceptions about students?
My magazine wasn't meant to represent particular social groups, it was just meant for both genders, and all social groups. The magazine was aimed at pretty much any one of the teenage age that go to college whether they are male, female, emo, goth etc. The student (Lauren) on the photographs would be of a normal social group in my opinion but is unique in the way she looks and dresses as she wear long tops with shorts and boots as shown on the pictures, but some would see her as the 'scene' or 'emo' group. Scene kids are often wearing bright colours, with bow in their hair, usually wearing eyeliner. However the picture in which I have used of Lauren does resemble some of the pictures on google for scene kids, wearing checkered clothes, piercings and eyeliner. Emo's on the other hand often wear dark clothing, a lot of eyeliner, and don't care what people think. However, if it shows that Lauren (model,student) may be of either stereotype; emo, or scene then this would therefore attract a multi-audience due to the variation of look Lauren supplies. The text however, does show that it is for both boys and girls, and also or teenagers because of the language used. It shows that all students are unique and shouldn't care what people think because the model in the magazine doesn't and if the reader looks close enough then the magazine may imply to them as well instead of being stereotypical. Despite misconceptions due to the way people chose to look, if they take a closer look the social groups can all relate into the magazine as it is about their college and I tried to get a confident model who is a mixture of social groups, and this would hopefully attract all types of social groups. However, to improve once again I could of got pictures of different social groups to make the message clear that the magazine is meant for anyone. Its basically saying all students at the QE should be more confident in themselves with the way they look and dress and that they are all similar and will be interested in some similar things. The pictures show that everyone looks good the way they are because their unique and the poses show a lot of confidence and belief in which all students would need to get somewhere throughout their courses and college.
Scene Kids: Example |
Emo Kids: Example |
3.Who would be the audience for your media product? (To answer this question you could create a montage of images that clearly shows who the target audience is)
The audience of the magazine was mainly people between the college ages, so between 15-19 as it includes things like fashion and sports, but the magazine wasn't meant to be aimed at a particular gender but it could appear to be for girls due to the pictures being of a girl, however, it was not aimed at just one gender- it was meant to be a unisex magazine. They must be interested in their college life, work and things going on around them in the community because the main stories are to do with college, news, sport, activities, etc. Students often have similar interests but their music genre varies so therefore, the magazine would provide the most recent news on all type of music, fashion, news and sports so it reaches out to more than one social group. Also it isn't for a particular area in the society- high class, or middle class. It is meant to be aimed at all students in general that go to QE. The interests in food and drink would be slightly important as it may give advice on food etc but in future if it is going to be included then there could just be a majority vote on favourite food and drinks; teenagers normally like junk food etc rather than healthy food so if the food/drink section was to be put in a magazine it could be based on things like pizza etc or healthy food in which they might like. The images below show that the magazine is for any students, no matter what music, food, or social group they are.
Teenagers: Example |
Social Groups: Examples |
4.How did you attract/ address your audience? (Think about design and language features you used in order to identify with your target audience)
How does knowing who, specifically, your audience is make it easier to design a product for them? How were you influenced by knowing your intended audience? (think about costume, content, language, layout, props, colours etc.)
What did you do to attract them and what do your audience think? What do they like/dislike?
How does knowing who, specifically, your audience is make it easier to design a product for them? How were you influenced by knowing your intended audience? (think about costume, content, language, layout, props, colours etc.)
What did you do to attract them and what do your audience think? What do they like/dislike?
I attracted my audience by using a photograph of someone in the same age range as those reading and also the language used relates to that age group aswell as it is not using long and sophisticated words which would be used if it was implied for an adult. If you know the audience in which your magazine is to be aimed at then it is easier to address the sell lines so it fits their interests etc. The age range had a huge effect on the product because the interests are similar in the teenage age range, but also varies due to gender but because the magazine couldn't reach out to every teenager it is then based on college, fashion, music, sport etc. in which each seperate teenager would be interested in so it reaches out to the majority of the age range but not older people. The photography part shows just a casual costume in which is shorts and a top but it isn't the type of clothing someone of an older generation would wear but then again, it's not just one stereotypical groups sense of clothing it is a mixture of many so its reaching out to everyone. The language and content included show its only for college students due to it being of a less formal style and with words in which teenagers would use or that would catch their eyes. Colours on a magazine for teenagers is the most important thing because if it is not colourful then they wouldn't spot it and would lose interest unlike adults who read magazines anyway. To attract them i used a voucher 'win a free weekend' and the audience would/do think that this would attract them because it is a free time away from work and stress in which they would enjoy as teenagers normally like to relax away from college etc.
5. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? (You could include the logos of all of the software you've used - Photoshop and blogger alongside the scanner, apple macs and photography equipment. Discuss what you've learnt about each and how you feel your product benefitted.
From constructing the products I have learnt a lot because I have never used photoshop before so it was quite difficult getting used to especially on the mac computers. I have learnt how to use photoshop but not to a full extent but I feel this could benefit me in future reference in Media, or any art levels I may want to do in University. On photoshop I have learnt that new layers must be put in in order to paste in a picture and it's not just a simple copy and paste job and to resize you must use cmnd and t. There are a lot of things I had learnt how to do; adjust colours to the right scale, insert shapes, moving layers so then some are ontop of others, just the basic photoshop works but overtime i may become more equipt. I had also used InDesign which I struggled with because work kept deleting but once I learnt how to put in frames, text, etc then it was a lot easier and I may benefit if once again I use the product in future. The photography I found quite simple as I had used a similar camera before but I think I could of worked more on the lighting in which was in the pictures but due to being able to work photoshop I could just auto adjust tone, colour etc. These may all benefit me in future if I do become what I want to be as I will need to know about computers, and technology.
Photoshop Logo |
Mac Technology: Apple Mac |